Source code for test_annotation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2017 Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability,
# Technical University of Denmark.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Annotation tests performed on an instance of ``cobra.Model``."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

from warnings import warn
from builtins import dict

from pandas import DataFrame

import as annotation
from import df2dict

[docs]def test_metabolite_annotation_presence(read_only_model, store): """Expect all metabolites to have a non-empty annotation attribute.""" store["metabolites_without_annotation"] = [ for met in annotation.find_components_without_annotation( read_only_model, "metabolites")] assert len(store["metabolites_without_annotation"]) == 0, \ "The following metabolites lack any form of annotation: " \ "{}".format(", ".join(store["metabolites_without_annotation"]))
[docs]def test_reaction_annotation_presence(read_only_model, store): """Expect all reactions to have a non-empty annotation attribute.""" store["reactions_without_annotation"] = [ for rxn in annotation.find_components_without_annotation( read_only_model, "reactions")] assert len(store["reactions_without_annotation"]) == 0, \ "The following reactions lack any form of annotation: " \ "{}".format(", ".join(store["reactions_without_annotation"]))
[docs]def test_metabolite_annotation_overview(read_only_model, store): """ Expect all metabolites to have annotations from common databases. The required databases are outlined in ``. """ overview = annotation.generate_component_annotation_overview( read_only_model, "metabolites") store['met_annotation_overview'] = df2dict(overview) for db in annotation.METABOLITE_ANNOTATIONS: sub = overview.loc[~overview[db], db] assert len(sub) == 0, \ "The following metabolites lack annotation for {}: " \ "{}".format(db, ", ".join(sub.index))
[docs]def test_reaction_annotation_overview(read_only_model, store): """ Expect all reactions to have annotations from common databases. The required databases are outlined in ``. """ overview = annotation.generate_component_annotation_overview( read_only_model, "reactions") store['rxn_annotation_overview'] = df2dict(overview) for db in annotation.REACTION_ANNOTATIONS: sub = overview.loc[~overview[db], db] assert len(sub) == 0, \ "The following reactions lack annotation for {}: " \ "{}".format(db, ", ".join(sub.index))
[docs]def test_metabolite_annotation_wrong_ids(read_only_model, store): """ Expect all annotations of metabolites to be in the correct format. The required formats, i.e., regex patterns are outlined in ``. """ has_annotation = annotation.generate_component_annotation_overview( read_only_model, "metabolites") matches = annotation.generate_component_annotation_miriam_match( read_only_model, "metabolites") wrong = DataFrame(has_annotation.values & (~matches.values), index=has_annotation.index, columns=has_annotation.columns) store['met_wrong_annotation_ids'] = df2dict(wrong) for db in annotation.METABOLITE_ANNOTATIONS: sub = wrong.loc[wrong[db], db] assert len(sub) == 0, \ "The following metabolites use wrong IDs for {}: " \ "{}".format(db, ", ".join(sub.index))
[docs]def test_reaction_annotation_wrong_ids(read_only_model, store): """ Expect all annotations of reactions to be in the correct format. The required formats, i.e., regex patterns are outlined in ``. """ has_annotation = annotation.generate_component_annotation_overview( read_only_model, "reactions") matches = annotation.generate_component_annotation_miriam_match( read_only_model, "reactions") wrong = DataFrame(has_annotation.values & (~matches.values), index=has_annotation.index, columns=has_annotation.columns) store["rxn_wrong_annotation_ids"] = df2dict(wrong) for db in annotation.REACTION_ANNOTATIONS: sub = wrong.loc[wrong[db], db] assert len(sub) == 0, \ "The following reactions use wrong IDs for {}: " \ "{}".format(db, ", ".join(sub.index))
[docs]def test_metabolite_id_namespace_consistency(read_only_model, store): """Expect metabolite IDs to be from the same namespace.""" met_id_ns = annotation.generate_component_id_namespace_overview( read_only_model, "metabolites") distribution = met_id_ns.sum() store['met_ids_in_each_namespace'] = dict( (key, int(val)) for key, val in distribution.iteritems()) # The BioCyc regex is extremely general, we ignore it here. cols = list(distribution.index) cols.remove('biocyc') largest = distribution[cols].idxmax() if distribution[largest] == 0: largest = 'biocyc' if largest != 'bigg.metabolite': warn( 'memote currently only supports syntax checks for BiGG identifiers.' ' Please consider mapping your IDs from {} to BiGG' ''.format(largest) ) assert distribution[largest] == len(read_only_model.metabolites), \ "Metabolite IDs that don't belong to the largest fraction: {}"\ "".format(met_id_ns.loc[~met_id_ns[largest], largest].index)
[docs]def test_reaction_id_namespace_consistency(read_only_model, store): """Expect reaction IDs to be from the same namespace.""" rxn_id_ns = annotation.generate_component_id_namespace_overview( read_only_model, "reactions") distribution = rxn_id_ns.sum() store['rxn_ids_in_each_namespace'] = dict( (key, int(val)) for key, val in distribution.iteritems()) # The BioCyc regex is extremely general, we ignore it here. cols = list(distribution.index) cols.remove('biocyc') largest = distribution[cols].idxmax() if distribution[largest] == 0: largest = 'biocyc' if largest != 'bigg.reaction': warn( 'memote currently only supports syntax checks for BiGG identifiers.' ' Please consider mapping your IDs from {} to BiGG' ''.format(largest) ) assert distribution[largest] == len(read_only_model.metabolites), \ "Reaction IDs that don't belong to the largest fraction: {}" \ "".format(rxn_id_ns.loc[~rxn_id_ns[largest], largest].index)