Source code for memote.suite.reporting.reports.history

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2017 Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability,
# Technical University of Denmark.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Render results into pretty HTML."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging
from os.path import join
from builtins import dict, str

from import Report
import memote.suite.reporting.plot as plt
from memote.suite.reporting.bag import ResultBagWrapper

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HistoryReport(Report): """Render a rich report using the git repository history.""" _valid_indexes = frozenset(["time", "hash"]) def __init__(self, repository, directory, index="time", **kwargs): """ Initialize the git interaction and dask bag. Parameters ---------- repository : git.Repo An instance of the working directory git repository. directory : str or path Where previously collected test results can be found. index : {'time', 'hash'}, optional Whether to use time (the default) or commit hashes as the default axis in plots. """ super(HistoryReport, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.index_dim = index.lower() if self.index_dim not in self._valid_indexes: raise ValueError( "Given index '{0}' must be one of {1}." "".format(self.index_dim, str(self._valid_indexes))) self.repo = repository self.latest = self.repo.active_branch.commit self.history = [commit.hexsha for commit in self.latest.iter_parents()] self.history.insert(0, self.latest.hexsha) = directory self.files = [join(, "{}.json".format(commit)) for commit in self.history] if len(self.files) == 0: raise RuntimeError("There is no git branch history!") self.bag = ResultBagWrapper(self.files) self.bag.build_index() self.index = { "time": "timestamp", "hash": "commit_hash" }.get(index, ValueError("Unknown index type '{}'.".format(index))) if isinstance(self.index, ValueError): raise self.index
[docs] def render_html(self): """ Render a rich report for the repository. This is currently a stub while we convert from ``jinja2`` templates to a full Angular based report. """ return u""
def _collect_basic_plots(self): """Create plots from the basic info data frame.""" df = self.bag.get_basic_dataframe() plots = dict() # create genes plot plots["genes"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "num_genes"]], "Number of Genes") # reactions plots["reactions"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "num_reactions"]], "Number of Reactions") # metabolites plots["metabolites"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "num_metabolites"]], "Number of Metabolites") plots["metabolites_no_formula"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "num_metabolites_no_formula"]], "Number of Metabolites Without Formula") plots["metabolites_no_charge"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "metabolites_no_charge"]], "Number of Metabolites Without Charge") plots["reactions_no_GPR"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "reactions_no_GPR"]], "Number of Reactions Without GPR Rule") # plots["metabolic_coverage"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( # df[[self.index, "metabolic_coverage"]], # "Metabolic Coverage") plots["ngam_reaction"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "ngam_reaction"]], "Number of Non-growth-associated Maintenance Reactions") return plots def _collect_consistency_plots(self): """Create plots from the consistency info data frame.""" df = self.bag.get_consistency_dataframe() plots = dict() plots["is_consistent"] = plt.boolean_chart( df[[self.index, "is_consistent"]], "Is Stoichiometrically Consistent") plots["unconserved_metabolites"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "unconserved_metabolites"]], "Number of Unconserved Metabolites") plots["magic_atp_production"] = plt.boolean_chart( df[[self.index, "magic_atp_production"]], "Has Magic ATP Production") plots["imbalanced_reactions"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "imbalanced_reactions"]], "Number of Imbalanced Reactions") plots["blocked_reactions"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "blocked_reactions"]], "Number of Blocked Reactions") # TODO: Fix looped in tests. # plots["looped_reactions"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( # df[[self.index, "looped_reactions"]], # "Number of Looped Reactions") return plots def _collect_syntax_plots(self): """Create plots from the syntax info data frame.""" df = self.bag.get_consistency_dataframe() plots = dict() # plots["reaction_compartment_suffix"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( # df[[self.index, "reaction_compartment_suffix"]], # "Number of Reactions with Wrong Compartment Tag") # plots["untagged_normal_transport"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( # df[[self.index, "untagged_normal_transport"]], # "Number of Transport Reactions with Wrong Tag") # plots["untagged_abc_transport"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( # df[[self.index, "untagged_abc_transport"]], # "Number of ABC Transport Reactions with Wrong Tag") # plots["uppercase_metabolites"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( # df[[self.index, "uppercase_metabolites"]], # "Number of Uppercase Metabolite Identifiers") plots["untagged_demand"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "untagged_demand"]], "Number of Wrongly Labelled Demand Reactions") plots["false_demand"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "false_demand"]], "Number of Falsely Labelled Demand Reactions") plots["untagged_sink"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "untagged_sink"]], "Number of Wrongly Labelled Sink Reactions") plots["false_sink"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "false_sink"]], "Number of Falsely Labelled Sink Reactions") plots["untagged_exchange"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "untagged_exchange"]], "Number of Wrongly Labelled Exchange Reactions") plots["false_exchange"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "false_exchange"]], "Number of Falsely Labelled Exchange Reactions") return plots def _collect_biomass_plots(self): """Create plots from the biomass info data frame.""" df = self.bag.get_biomass_dataframe() plots = dict() # components sum factor = "biomass_ids" plots["biomass_sum"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "biomass_sum", factor]], r"$ \text{Sum of Biomass Components }" r"[ \text{mmol} \text{g}_{\text{DW}}^{-1} \text{h}^{-1} ] $") plots["biomass_default_flux"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "biomass_default_flux", factor]], r"$ \text{Biomass Flux }" r"[ \text{mmol} \text{g}_{\text{DW}}^{-1} \text{h}^{-1} ] $") plots["num_default_blocked_precursors"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "num_default_blocked_precursors", factor]], "Number of Blocked Biomass Precursors in Default Medium") plots["num_open_blocked_precursors"] = plt.scatter_line_chart( df[[self.index, "num_open_blocked_precursors", factor]], "Number of Blocked Biomass Precursors in Complete Medium") plots["gam_in_biomass"] = plt.boolean_chart( df[[self.index, "gam_in_biomass"]], "Biomass Contains Growth-associated Maintenance") return plots def _collect_annotation_plots(self): """Create plots from the annotation info data frame.""" pass