Source code for memote.version_info

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Adapated from:
# which is published under a BSD license.

"""Provide a single function for a user to capture important dependencies."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from builtins import dict

import platform

import pip

__all__ = ("show_versions",)


def get_sys_info():
    """Return system information as a dict."""
    blob = dict()
    blob["OS"] = platform.system()
    blob["OS-release"] = platform.release()
    blob["Python"] = platform.python_version()
    return blob

def get_pkg_info():
    """Return Python package information as a dict."""
    # TODO: Basically copying the requirements from is brittle,
    # should come up with a better way in future, for example,
    # using requirements files that can be read in.
    dependencies = frozenset(PKG_ORDER)
    blob = dict()
    for dist in pip.get_installed_distributions():
        if dist.project_name in dependencies:
            blob[dist.project_name] = dist.version
    return blob

[docs]def show_versions(): """Print the formatted information to standard out.""" info = get_sys_info() info.update(get_pkg_info()) format_str = "{:<%d} {:>%d}" % (max(map(len, info)), max(map(len, info.values()))) print("\nSystem Information") print("==================") for name in SYS_ORDER: print(format_str.format(name, info[name])) print("\nPackage Versions") print("================") for name in PKG_ORDER: if name in info: print(format_str.format(name, info[name]))