Source code for memote.suite.collect

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2017 Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability,
# Technical University of Denmark.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Collect results for reporting model quality."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import platform
import logging
import re
from os.path import join, dirname
from builtins import dict, open
from datetime import datetime

import pytest
import pip
import ruamel.yaml as yaml

from import find_biomass_reaction

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ResultCollectionPlugin(object): """ Provide functionality for complex test result collection. The plugin exposes the fixture ``store`` which can be used in test functions to store values in a dictionary. The dictionary is namespaced to the module so within a module the same keys should not be re-used (unless intended). """ def __init__(self, model, repository=None, branch=None, commit=None, exclusive=None, skip=None, custom_config=None, **kwargs): """ Collect and store values during testing. Parameters ---------- model : cobra.Model The metabolic model under investigation. repository : git.Repo, optional An instance of the git repository (if any). branch : str, optional The name of the git branch to use. commit : str, optional The specific commit hash that is being tested. exclusive : iterable, optional Names of test cases or modules to run and exclude all others. Takes precedence over ``skip``. skip : iterable, optional Names of test cases or modules to skip. custom_config : str, optional Path to additional configuration. """ super(ResultCollectionPlugin, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._model = model self._store = dict() self._store["meta"] = self._meta = dict() self._store["tests"] = self._cases = dict() self.repo = repository self.branch = branch self.commit = commit self._param = re.compile(r"\[(?P<param>[a-zA-Z0-9_.\-]+)\]$") self._xcld = frozenset() if exclusive is None else frozenset(exclusive) self._skip = frozenset() if skip is None else frozenset(skip) self.custom_config = custom_config self._collect_meta_info() self._read_organization() def _collect_meta_info(self): """Record environment information.""" self._meta["platform"] = platform.system() self._meta["release"] = platform.release() self._meta["python"] = platform.python_version() self._meta["packages"] = dict( (dist.project_name, dist.version) for dist in pip.get_installed_distributions()) self._meta["timestamp"] = datetime.utcnow().isoformat(" ") if self.repo is not None: self._collect_git_info() def _collect_git_info(self): """Record repository meta information.""" if self.branch is None: try: self.branch = self.repo.active_branch except TypeError: LOGGER.error( "Detached HEAD mode, please provide the branch name and" " commit hash.") except AttributeError: LOGGER.error("No git repository found.") if self.branch is not None: self._meta["branch"] = if self.commit is None: try: self.commit = self.branch.commit except AttributeError: LOGGER.error("No git repository found.") if self.commit is not None: self._meta["commit_author"] = self._meta["timestamp"] = self.commit.committed_datetime.isoformat( " ") self._meta["commit_hash"] = self.commit.hexsha def _read_organization(self): """Read the test organization.""" with open(join(dirname(__file__), "test_config.yml")) as file_h: self._store.update(yaml.load(file_h)) if self.custom_config is not None: LOGGER.debug("Reading custom config with path: '%s'.", self.custom_config) try: with open(self.custom_config) as file_h: self._store.update(yaml.load(file_h)) LOGGER.debug("Successfully read custom config at: '%s'.", self.custom_config) except IOError as err: LOGGER.error( "The following error occurred while trying to read the " "custom configuration at '%s': %s", self.custom_config, str(err))
[docs] def pytest_namespace(self): """Insert model information into the pytest namespace.""" biomass_ids = [ for rxn in find_biomass_reaction(self._model)] compartment_ids = sorted(self._model.compartments) try: compartment_ids.remove("c") except ValueError: LOGGER.error( "The model does not contain a compartment ID labeled 'c' for " "the cytosol which is an essential compartment. Many syntax " "tests depend on this being labeled accordingly.") return { "memote": { "biomass_ids": biomass_ids, "compartment_ids": compartment_ids } }
[docs] @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True) def pytest_runtest_call(self, item): """Either run a test exclusively or skip it.""" if item.obj.__module__ in self._xcld: return elif item.obj.__name__ in self._xcld: return elif len(self._xcld) > 0: pytest.skip("Excluded.") elif item.obj.__module__ in self._skip: pytest.skip("Skipped by module.") elif item.obj.__name__ in self._skip: pytest.skip("Skipped individually.")
[docs] @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True) def pytest_runtest_teardown(self, item): """Collect the annotation from each test case and store it.""" case = self._cases.setdefault(item.obj.__name__, dict()) if hasattr(item.obj, "annotation"): case.update(item.obj.annotation) else: LOGGER.debug("Test case '%s' has no annotation (%s).", item.obj.__name__, item.nodeid)
[docs] def pytest_report_teststatus(self, report): """ Log pytest results for each test. The categories are passed, failed, error, skipped and marked to fail. Parameters ---------- report : TestReport A test report object from pytest with test case result. """ if report.when != "call": return item_name = report.location[2] # Check for a parametrized test. match = if match is not None: param ="param") item_name = item_name[:match.start()] LOGGER.debug( "%s with parameter %s %s", item_name, param, report.outcome) else: LOGGER.debug( "%s %s", item_name, report.outcome) case = self._cases.setdefault(item_name, dict()) if match is not None: case["duration"] = case.setdefault("duration", dict()) case["duration"][param] = report.duration case["result"] = case.setdefault("result", dict()) case["result"][param] = report.outcome else: case["duration"] = report.duration case["result"] = report.outcome
def _determine_tests_not_on_cards(self): """ Identify tests not explicitly configured in test organization. List them as an additional card called `Misc`, which is where they will now appear in the report. """ tests_in_the_scored_card = list() tests_in_unscored_cards = list() try: scored_sections = self._store['cards']['scored']['sections'] except ValueError: LOGGER.error( "Malformed config file! The config file does not appear to " "be structured correctly.") for section in scored_sections: if scored_sections[section]['cases']: for case in scored_sections[section].setdefault( 'cases', list() ): tests_in_the_scored_card.append(case) for card in self._store['cards']: if card is not 'scored': for case in self._store['cards'][card].setdefault( 'cases', list() ): tests_in_unscored_cards.append(case) self._store['cards'].setdefault('misc', dict()) self._store['cards']['misc']['cases'] = list( set(self._cases) - set(tests_in_the_scored_card) - set(tests_in_unscored_cards) ) self._store['cards']['misc']['title'] = 'Misc. Tests' @property def results(self): """Return the test results as a nested dictionary.""" self._determine_tests_not_on_cards() return self._store
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def read_only_model(self): """Provide the model for the complete test session.""" return self._model
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def model(self, read_only_model): """Provide a pristine model for a test unit.""" return self._model.copy()