Source code for memote.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2017 Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability,
# Technical University of Denmark.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Utility functions used by memote and its tests."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import json
import logging
from builtins import dict, str
from textwrap import TextWrapper

from depinfo import print_dependencies
from future.utils import raise_with_traceback
from numpy import isfinite
from numpydoc.docscrape import NumpyDocString
from six import string_types

__all__ = (

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

TYPES = frozenset(["count", "number", "raw", "percent"])
JSON_TYPES = (type(None), bool, int, float, str, list, dict)

[docs]wrapper = TextWrapper(width=70)
[docs]def register_with(registry): """ Register a passed in object. Intended to be used as a decorator on model building functions with a ``dict`` as a registry. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python REGISTRY = dict() @register_with(REGISTRY) def build_empty(base): return base """ def decorator(func): registry[func.__name__] = func return func return decorator
[docs]def annotate(title, format_type, message=None, data=None, metric=1.0): """ Annotate a test case with info that should be displayed in the reports. Parameters ---------- title : str A human-readable descriptive title of the test case. format_type : str A string that determines how the result data is formatted in the report. It is expected not to be None. * 'number' : 'data' is a single number which can be an integer or float and should be represented as such. * 'count' : 'data' is a list, set or tuple. Choosing 'count' will display the length of that list e.g. number of metabolites without formula. * 'percent' : Instead of 'data' the content of 'metric' ought to be displayed e.g. percentage of metabolites without charge. 'metric' is expected to be a floating point number. * 'raw' : 'data' is ought to be displayed "as is" without formatting. This option is appropriate for single strings or a boolean output. message : str A short written explanation that states and possibly explains the test result. data Raw data which the test case generates and assesses. Can be of the following types: list, set, tuple, string, float, integer, and boolean. metric: float A value x in the range of 0 <= x <= 1 which represents the fraction of 'data' to the total in the model. For example, if 'data' are all metabolites without formula, 'metric' should be the fraction of metabolites without formula from the total of metabolites in the model. Returns ------- function The decorated function, now extended by the attribute 'annotation'. Notes ----- Adds "annotation" attribute to the function object, which stores values for predefined keys as a dictionary. """ if format_type not in TYPES: raise ValueError("Invalid type. Expected one of: {}.".format(", ".join(TYPES))) def decorator(func): func.annotation = dict( title=title, summary=extended_summary(func), message=message, data=data, format_type=format_type, metric=metric, ) return func return decorator
[docs]def get_ids(iterable): """Retrieve the identifier of a number of objects.""" return [ for element in iterable]
[docs]def get_ids_and_bounds(iterable): """Retrieve the identifier and bounds of a number of objects.""" return [ "{0.lower_bound} <= {} <= {0.upper_bound}".format(elem) for elem in iterable
] def filter_none(attribute, default): """Handle attributes of model components that are optional in SBML.""" if attribute is None: return default else: return attribute
[docs]def truncate(sequence): """ Create a potentially shortened text display of a list. Parameters ---------- sequence : list An indexable sequence of elements. Returns ------- str The list as a formatted string. """ if len(sequence) > LIST_SLICE: return ", ".join(sequence[:LIST_SLICE] + ["..."]) else: return ", ".join(sequence)
[docs]def log_json_incompatible_types(obj): """ Log types that are not JSON compatible. Explore a nested dictionary structure and log types that are not JSON compatible. Parameters ---------- obj : dict A potentially nested dictionary. """ keys_to_explore = list(obj) while len(keys_to_explore) > 0: key = keys_to_explore.pop() if not isinstance(key, str): value = obj[key] if isinstance(value, dict):"%s:", key) log_json_incompatible_types(value) elif not isinstance(value, JSON_TYPES):"%s: %s", key, type(value)) elif isinstance(value, (int, float)) and not isfinite(value):"%s: %f", key, value)
def extended_summary(func): """ Show the extended summary of a function's docstring. Parameters ---------- func : function A test function used in `memote report snapshot` Returns ------- str The extended summary of the docstring of func """ doc = NumpyDocString(func.__doc__) return "\n".join(doc["Extended Summary"])
[docs]def show_versions(): """Print formatted dependency information to stdout.""" print_dependencies("memote")
[docs]def jsonify(obj, pretty=False): """ Turn a nested object into a (compressed) JSON string. Parameters ---------- obj : dict Any kind of dictionary structure. pretty : bool, optional Whether to format the resulting JSON in a more legible way ( default False). """ if pretty: params = dict( sort_keys=True, indent=2, allow_nan=False, separators=(",", ": "), ensure_ascii=False, ) else: params = dict( sort_keys=False, indent=None, allow_nan=False, separators=(",", ":"), ensure_ascii=False, ) try: return json.dumps(obj, **params) except (TypeError, ValueError) as error: LOGGER.critical( "The memote result structure is incompatible with the JSON " "standard." ) log_json_incompatible_types(obj) raise_with_traceback(error)
def flatten(list_of_lists): """Flatten a list of lists but maintain strings and ints as entries.""" flat_list = [] for sublist in list_of_lists: if isinstance(sublist, string_types) or isinstance(sublist, int): flat_list.append(sublist) elif sublist is None: continue elif not isinstance(sublist, string_types) and len(sublist) == 1: flat_list.append(sublist[0]) else: flat_list.append(tuple(sublist)) return flat_list
[docs]def is_modified(path, commit): """ Test whether a given file was present and modified in a specific commit. Parameters ---------- path : str The path of a file to be checked. commit : git.Commit A git commit object. Returns ------- bool Whether or not the given path is among the modified files and was not deleted in this commit. """ try: d = commit.stats.files[path] if (d["insertions"] == 0) and (d["deletions"] == d["lines"]): # File was deleted in commit, so cannot be tested return False else: return True except KeyError: return False
[docs]def stdout_notifications(notifications): """ Print each entry of errors and warnings to stdout. Parameters ---------- notifications: dict A simple dictionary structure containing a list of errors and warnings. """ for error in notifications["errors"]: LOGGER.error(error) for warn in notifications["warnings"]: LOGGER.warning(warn)