
Provide commands for generating report files.

Module Contents


report() Generate one of three different types of reports.
snapshot(model, filename, pytest_args, exclusive, skip, solver, solver_timeout, experimental, custom_tests, custom_config) Take a snapshot of a model’s state and generate a report.
history(location, model, filename, deployment, custom_config) Generate a report over a model’s git commit history.
_test_diff(model_and_model_ver_tuple, pytest_args, skip, exclusive, experimental, solver_timeout)
diff(models, filename, pytest_args, exclusive, skip, solver, solver_timeout, experimental, custom_tests, custom_config) Take a snapshot of all the supplied models and generate a diff report.

Generate one of three different types of reports.

memote.suite.cli.reports.snapshot(model, filename, pytest_args, exclusive, skip, solver, solver_timeout, experimental, custom_tests, custom_config)[source]

Take a snapshot of a model’s state and generate a report.

MODEL: Path to model file. Can also be supplied via the environment variable MEMOTE_MODEL or configured in ‘setup.cfg’ or ‘memote.ini’.

memote.suite.cli.reports.history(location, model, filename, deployment, custom_config)[source]

Generate a report over a model’s git commit history.

memote.suite.cli.reports._test_diff(model_and_model_ver_tuple, pytest_args, skip, exclusive, experimental, solver_timeout)[source]
memote.suite.cli.reports.diff(models, filename, pytest_args, exclusive, skip, solver, solver_timeout, experimental, custom_tests, custom_config)[source]

Take a snapshot of all the supplied models and generate a diff report.

MODELS: List of paths to two or more model files.