
Helper functions that are used all over the memote package.[source]

Turn a pandas.DataFrame into a dict of lists.[source]

Find reactions which interact with ATP and ADP.


model : cobra.Model

The metabolic model under investigation.[source]

Return a list of the biomass reaction(s) of the model.


model : cobra.Model

The metabolic model under investigation.[source]

Return a list of demand reactions.

[1] defines demand reactions as: – ‘unbalanced network reactions that allow the accumulation of a compound’ – reactions that are chiefly added during the gap-filling process – as a means of dealing with ‘compounds that are known to be produced by the organism [..] (i) for which no information is available about their fractional distribution to the biomass or (ii) which may only be produced in some environmental conditions – reactions with a formula such as: ‘met_c -> ‘

Demand reactions differ from exchange reactions in that the metabolites are not removed from the extracellular environment, but from any of the organism’s compartments.


model : cobra.Model

A cobrapy metabolic model


[1] Thiele, I., & Palsson, B. Ø. (2010, January). A protocol for generating a high-quality genome-scale metabolic reconstruction. Nature protocols. Nature Publishing Group.[source]

Return a list of exchange reactions.

[1] defines exchange reactions as: – reactions that ‘define the extracellular environment’ – ‘unbalanced, extra-organism reactions that represent the supply to or removal of metabolites from the extra-organism “space”’ – reactions with a formula such as: ‘met_e -> ‘ or ‘ -> met_e’ or ‘met_e <=> ‘

Exchange reactions differ from demand reactions in that the metabolites are removed from or added to the extracellular environment only. With this the uptake or secretion of a metabolite is modeled, respectively.


model : cobra.Model

A cobrapy metabolic model


[1] Thiele, I., & Palsson, B. Ø. (2010, January). A protocol for generating a high-quality genome-scale metabolic reconstruction. Nature protocols. Nature Publishing Group.[source]

Return a list of sink reactions.

[1] defines sink reactions as: – ‘similar to demand reactions’ but reversible, thus able to supply the model with metabolites – reactions that are chiefly added during the gap-filling process – as a means of dealing with ‘compounds that are produced by nonmetabolic cellular processes but that need to be metabolized’ – reactions with a formula such as: ‘met_c <-> ‘

Sink reactions differ from exchange reactions in that the metabolites are not removed from the extracellular environment, but from any of the organism’s compartments.


model : cobra.Model

A cobrapy metabolic model


[1] Thiele, I., & Palsson, B. Ø. (2010, January). A protocol for generating a high-quality genome-scale metabolic reconstruction. Nature protocols. Nature Publishing Group.[source]

Return a list of all transport reactions.

A transport reaction is defined as follows: 1. It contains metabolites from at least 2 compartments and 2. at least 1 metabolite undergoes no chemical reaction, i.e., the formula stays the same on both sides of the equation.

Will not identify transport via the PTS System.


model : cobra.Model

The metabolic model under investigation.