Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2017 Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability,
# Technical University of Denmark.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""Supporting functions for biomass consistency checks."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging

from six import iteritems
from cobra.exceptions import Infeasible

import as helpers

__all__ = (
    "sum_biomass_weight", "find_biomass_precursors",

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def sum_biomass_weight(reaction): """ Compute the sum of all reaction compounds. Parameters ---------- reaction : cobra.core.reaction.Reaction The biomass reaction of the model under investigation. """ return sum(-coef * met.formula_weight for (met, coef) in iteritems(reaction.metabolites)) / 1000.0
[docs]def find_biomass_precursors(reaction): """ Return a list of all biomass precursors excluding ATP and H2O. Parameters ---------- reaction : cobra.core.reaction.Reaction The biomass reaction of the model under investigation. """ return [met for met in reaction.reactants if != 'atp_c' or != 'h2o_c']
[docs]def find_blocked_biomass_precursors(reaction, model): """ Return a list of all biomass precursors that cannot be produced. Parameters ---------- reaction : cobra.core.reaction.Reaction The biomass reaction of the model under investigation. model : cobra.Model The metabolic model under investigation. """ LOGGER.debug("Finding blocked biomass precursors") precursors = find_biomass_precursors(reaction) blocked_precursors = list() for precursor in precursors: with model: dm_rxn = model.add_boundary(precursor, type="demand") model.objective = dm_rxn try: solution = model.optimize() LOGGER.debug( "%s: demand flux is '%g' and solver status is '%s'", str(precursor), solution.objective_value, solution.status) if solution.objective_value <= 0.0: blocked_precursors.append(precursor) except Infeasible: blocked_precursors.append(precursor) return blocked_precursors
def gam_in_biomass(reaction): """ Return boolean if biomass reaction includes growth-associated maintenance. Parameters ---------- reaction : cobra.core.reaction.Reaction The biomass reaction of the model under investigation. """ left = set(["atp_c", "h2o_c"]) right = set(["adp_c", "pi_c", "h_c"]) return ( left.issubset( for met in reaction.reactants) and right.issubset( for met in reaction.products)) def find_direct_metabolites(model, reaction): """ Return list of possible direct biomass precursor metabolites. Parameters ---------- model : cobra.Model The metabolic model under investigation. reaction : cobra.core.reaction.Reaction The biomass reaction of the model under investigation. Returns ------- list Metabolites that qualify as direct metabolites i.e. biomass precursors that are taken up to be consumed by the biomass reaction only. """ transport_reactions = set(helpers.find_transport_reactions(model)) exchange_reactions = set(model.exchanges) biomass_reactions = set(helpers.find_biomass_reaction(model)) combined_set = transport_reactions | exchange_reactions | biomass_reactions precursors = find_biomass_precursors(reaction) return [met for met in precursors if met.reactions.issubset(combined_set)]